Lost in Tokyo
Lost In Tokyo is a Japanese basement bar on Stevenson Square. This Far East drinking den serves some far out cocktails inspired by travels to Japan and also has an extensive list of some of the best Japanese whiskies around.
This is the Northern Quarter destination for creative cocktails that you don’t see on other bar menus. Some of the garnishes are seriously collectable – a definite step up from a cocktail umbrella. Order a few Baby Godzilla cocktails or a Quackiri or two and build up your toy collection.
Don’t worry – it’s more grown-up than it sounds. Japanese ingredients like matcha tea and mango pearls show these are serious cocktails and add to the cool, cosmopolitan Tokyo vibe.
It’s a good place for late night drinks and dancing with DJs at the weekend and budget-friendly drinks offers earlier in the evening. It’s a good idea to get on the guest list for late night sessions as it gets pretty rammed. It’s free – just email info@lostintokyo.co.uk before 7pm.