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Masis Armenian Restaurant Sale
Masis Armenian Restaurant Sale
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Restaurant - Armenian

Masis is an old-fashioned restaurant in the parade of shops next to Brooklands tram stop, all frilly curtains and artfully folded paper napkins. It may not look particularly hip, but the food is something special and it’s so cheap and plentiful, it would be a shame not to over-indulge.

It’s a small place so right from the off your senses are assailed by stomach-rumbling aromas of garlic, spices, herbs and char-grilled meat. The smell is almost a fish ‘n’ chips level of temptation.

Starters include all of the usual suspects: hummus, falafel, taboulah, baba ganouge, mutabal, borek, spinach and yoghurt salad and lavish bread – or you can have all of that on a massive groaning platter plus kufta, charred lamb sausages, spinach and feta filo triangles, chunky veg in mayonnaise, battered spiced aubergine, mashed bean and garlic salad, tomato and onion salad and turlu (a kind of ratatouille) for significantly less than the price of a Domino’s 11.5” pizza.

Main courses are equally generous and full of flavour. You’ll find dishes like kash kash (spicy minced lamb with rice and tomatoes), mixed kebabs, king prawns sautéed with garlic and chicken breast marinated in yoghurt, tahini and Armenian spices. There’s also an Armenian banquet which consists of more than you could ever eat, starters, mains and desserts, for well under £20 a head.

You’ll need a doggy bag.

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