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Companio is an artisan bakery in Ancoats that sells amazing bread and croissants
Companio is an artisan bakery in Ancoats that sells amazing bread and croissants
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Companio Bakery


Companio is a small artisan bakery in Ancoats selling a range of sourdough breads, pastries, Viennoiserie and savouries. The almond croissants are an absolute dream and the baguettes are some of the best you’ll find.

Don’t just take our word for it. Companio supply bread to Michelin-starred Mana and a handful of other quality foodie establishments. As well as the friendly little shop in Ancoats, there is now a bigger site in the Northern Quarter which opened in summer 2024.

Bread is Companio’s bread and butter as it were and it’s proper bread. Yes, there are a few fancy additions to some lovely limited edition loaves but this is bread as it should be. Made with simple, natural ingredients, real bread is as different from a cheap bag of sliced white as porridge is from Polyfilla.

Pick up a loaf from Companio and make your butties brilliant. This is the place for the discerning breadhead who understands that baking is an art.

Companio Bakery, Unit 6, Flint Glass Wharf, 35 Radium St, Ancoats, Manchester M4 6AD, UK
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