Lunchtime workouts

King Street Gym
Manchester City CentreJust the tip of this huge, iceberg-like gym is visible from street level. Head down the stairs and you'll find it's...

V1BE by Lifestyle Fitness Mosley Street
Manchester City CentreV1BE by Lifestyle Fitness Mosley Street is an edgier, and dare we say cooler, gym than what you might expect...

Zeno Health Club
Northern QuarterWith its stylish design and on-trend classes, boutique gym Zeno Health Club (formerly known as Hero Training Clubs) is well...

BLOK Manchester
Manchester City CentreBLOK is popular thanks to the variety of classes on offer at its Manchester studios (you can do strength, various...

Barry’s Manchester
St John'sLike all the gyms in this US-born franchise, Barry's Manchester is known for challenging classes and workout studios that look...

The Y Club
CastlefieldIf you want a gym with a pool in the city centre, The Y Club is one of just a...

The Life Centre North
Manchester City CentreFrom its two good-sized, daylight-filled rooms above Deansgate, The Life Centre North covers the spectrum of yoga styles, with a...