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Learn a new hobby at Altogether Otherwise, from gardening to whittling.
Learn a new hobby at Altogether Otherwise, from gardening to whittling.
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Manchester City Centre

Altogether Otherwise


Altogether Otherwise is new neighbourhood NOMA’s hobby house. Initially, it seems like a forgotten relic, an unloved outbuilding at the back of a car park. However, this place is bursting with creativity and free stuff to do.

Made up of lots of little nooks, rooms and a larger hall, there’s a diverse range of clubs and classes covering almost everything you could possibly be interested in. If you’re new to Manchester or to the area, it’s a great way to make friends with like-minded people.

From gardening and skateboarding to growing mushrooms or radical reading, there are societies to suit every taste.

And if what’s missing from your life is more people with a passion for comics or dance partners for a ballroom blitz, then you can set up your own Beano appreciation society or waltzing workshop. Altogether Otherwise is a community-led project, so groups are run by locals who love their hobby and want to share it with the rest of Manchester.

Don’t fill your downtime with doom-scrolling. Fill it with hobbies and fun.

Altogether Otherwise, 6 - 10 Hanover Street, NOMA, M4 4BB, UK
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