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The 5 x 5: Adam Reid, The French at The Midland

6 years ago
Modern British fine dining at Adam Reid at The French, the restaurant in the Midland Hotel, Manchester
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5 things you should never do or say in a kitchen…

AR: “Use less butter. What’s the vegan option? Who’s the guy calling the checks on? Can’t. Won’t. I didn’t have enough time”

5 things that always tempt you on a menu…

AR: “Liver parfait, lamb, sausages, any type of pudding, cake.”

5 favourite guilty pleasures…

AR: “Spam, ketchup, chips, corned beef, gherkins”

5 things you would like to tell your 16-year-old self…

AR: “Dump her now! Work harder. Taste more. Eat out more. Don’t eat McDonald’s”

5 basic ingredients you can’t live without…

AR:”Bovril, salt, butter, black pepper, garlic.”

Read our full interview with Adam Reid here.

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