Queer Lit
Rather than being consigned to one small shelf, Queer Lit celebrates literature that reflects the queer experience throughout the shop. Ever struggled to find a book that reflects your ethos or lived experience as a gay person? Seek out Queer Lit.
Inclusion and diversity drive the whole business; as well as modern LGBTQ+ books covering everything from asexual literature and lesbian crime fiction to gay comics and kids picture books, you’ll also find Pride accessories too. Browse for bisexual flags and rainbow shoulder bags whilst picking up your books.
There’s a friendly, supportive atmosphere in the shop and this spreads to making LGBTQ+ people feel seen and heard in the wider community. Queer Lit donates free books to schools across the UK, to MPs to help change the narrative around trans people, and it partners with The Cockatoo Club to run the Queer Lit book club and The Cockatoo Book Club, Manchester’s only gay male focused book club.