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Bouquet from Flourish Didsbury, one of Confidential Guides' recommended florists
Bouquet from Flourish Didsbury, one of Confidential Guides' recommended florists
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Flourish Didsbury


Flourish Didsbury is an award-winning florist with a wide range of houseplants too. It’s great for colourful blooms but also beautiful smelling bouquets like posies of dried lavender or sprays of eucalyptus.

This florist has a great reputation in the city, starting out selling flowers in the corner of St Ann’s Square. Now there is a shop on Barlow Moor Road and also one in Deansgate Square.

It’s a favourite choice for festive flowers, wreaths and trees too – little touches like candy canes in bouquets add a light-hearted touch although big bouquets of serious (and seriously gorgeous) flowers are available too.

Nationwide delivery is available and same day delivery is available locally – if you call 07311 169 011 they’ll try to fit you in.

Flourish Didsbury, 29 Barlow Moor Rd, Didsbury, Manchester M20 6TN
Tel: 07311 169 011
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