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A flyer for a seance evening at The Oracle, a bar in Liverpool
A flyer for a seance evening at The Oracle, a bar in Liverpool
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The Oracle


Even the entrance to The Oracle has an air of mystery: look for the anonymous grey door to the left of The Monro. Inside, this small bar has a fin-de-siecle, theatrical feel; everything from the drinks list to the performers fits in with the atmosphere of illusion and artifice.

Beautiful potions are conjured up at the bar and magicians wander between the tables performing tricks. Cocktails range from classics such as French martinis and aviations, to fascinating creations with mystifying descriptions. In truth, the whole menu reads like a book of spells.

You are begged not to order The Poison Chalice and warned about the perils of absinthe, the green fairy. Of course, temptation and persuasion come together and you find yourself once again outwitted by The Oracle.

With its mix of the uncanny and the dapper, it’s a bar where Derren Brown would feel right at home.

The Oracle, Duke Street, Liverpool, UK
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