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Druid's Circle at Alderley Edge, a red sandstone escarpment in Cheshire
Druid's Circle at Alderley Edge, a red sandstone escarpment in Cheshire
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Alderley Edge

Alderley Edge

Historic Buildings & Sites

There are two very different Alderley Edges. One is a chi-chi town of footballers and wealthy socialites, the other – this one – is a red sandstone escarpment with amazing views over Cheshire and a hippyish vibe.

Walking through trees past the Druid’s Circle or climbing up to the highest point, a former bronze age burial mound and the location of the Armada Beacon, you’ll pass walkers, families and, occasionally, friendly druids with crystals and Tibetan singing bowls. Undoubtedly, the ley lines exert a powerful force here.

The countryside is beautiful and the views are magnificent but it’s the mythical tales that give Alderley Edge an extra frisson for a day out with the kids.

The Wizard of the Edge is rumoured to lie sleeping under the rocks with his cavalry awaiting the final battle. Clamber over the boulders with imaginative youngsters and you can almost see the way down to his lair.

Footpaths aren’t too challenging for younger (or older) walkers, everything is well-signed and there’s history and nature aplenty. (It’s a good spot for birdwatching.)

Evidence of prehistoric mining has been discovered as well as a Roman mineshaft and more recent industrial activity from Victorian times.

Spoiler alert: the pagan stone circle is probably a Victorian folly rather than Cheshire’s answer to Stonehenge. But that doesn’t stop it being a magical place to listen to people drumming and strumming in the forest.

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